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Katherine's Collection Cemetery Groundskeeper

At the old eerie stone church on a cold moonlit night, wolfhounds howel off in the distance. From the basement, the Grounds Keeper gathers his shovel and pick axe. Another cemetery dig, another one bites the dust. It's a morbid job that the Groundskeeper keeps close to the vest. I bet he has some spooky tales to tell.

The Cemetery Groundskeeper is a thrillingly detailed character from the top of his rat derby hat to the bottom of his fungus toenails. He carries a lantern to find his way back to the wrought-iron cemetery gate. Bring your Halloween decorating to the next level with this Cemetery Grounds Keeper by Katherine's Collection.

  • 11" x 8" x 24"
  • Highly detailed resin and fabric
  • A Katherine's Collection Halloween design
  • Imported

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