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Lori Mitchell Pumpkin Thief

Mischief Night

Jokes Tricks & Pranks

Pumpkin Thief dressed in black and white stripes. One sneaky fellow who just might swipe your prized jack-o-lantern on a foggy Hallo's Eve night. He'll ring your doorbell and run. Thinking it's such fun. Covering bushes and trees with toilet paper streamers, causing barking dogs and neighborhood screamers. He better watch out for Johnny Law!

Tag along with Pumpkin Thief on Mischief Night. You'll recognize him standing on one foot, balancing a pumpkin on his knee, wearing a black & white striped jailhouse-issued jumpsuit and cap, hiding behind his mask.

Lori Mitchell Halloween
• Resin & wire
• 6-1/2" tall
• Imported

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